This is a general list of Brogan Arts  skills and capabilities
   oils , tempera – egg and casein, secco fresco, watercolour, tung and other specialist oils , acrylic
   flashe, emulsions, silicates, distempers
Tromp l’oeil
   oils , tempera – egg and casein , secco fresco , water colour , tung and other specialist oils , acrylic
   flashe, emulsions,silicates
Decorative finishes
   oils , tempera – egg and casein , secco fresco , water colour , tung and other specialist oils , acrylic
   flashe, emulsions,silicates
   oils , tempera – egg and caisein , secco fressco , water colour , acrylic , flashe, emulsions
    oils , water colour , acrylic , flashe, emulsions
    oil and water in palladium , gold , silver , schlage
Plaster work
     Venetian polished and raised relief- frieze work
    Repair and restoration of plaster friezes, roses and cornice work .
    Acrylic plasters and relief finishes
    Plaster work
    General dry wall work
Mould making
    single and multi part
Casting in
    resins, metal resins, plaster, silicon, alginate, paper, Jesmonite  interior and exterior grade
Vacuum thermo forming
General metal working and fabrication
Machining with lathe and mill – metals and plastics .
Precious metal working
General woodworking and fabrication
Cabinet making
Radio control and  rc servo systems
Micro controller programming and system building
20 years of  working with  Apple  Computers  including
    Photo Manipulation, Vector and bitmap  illustration, CAD, DTP, Digital Audio
    HTML, CSS, Python
Design  knowledge of
    Rope and pea light festive lighting
    LED  lighting
    Stage sets
    Mechanisms and special effects animatronics
    Period costume
    Stage Costume